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State Properties

States are used to change between different model states. Each state will remember any changes you make to it when you switch to a different state.

State Control

Any of these state control options can be activated through their corresponding ribbon buttons or by right-clicking on a state in the Lesson Tab and using the context menu.

New State

New State will reflect Master State, its like duplicating the master state with the same model, camera, state properties, and values. None of the changes you made to the previously selected state will be reflected here.

Duplicate State (Hotkey: Ctrl-d)

Creates a duplicate of of the state currently selected. All model, camera, and state properties will be copied over from the duplicated state.

Reset State (Hotkey: Ctrl-r)

Resets the model, camera, and state properties back to their Parent defaults.

Delete State (Hotkey: delete)

Removes the state from the project.

Add Child (State context menu)

Adds a duplicated state that is linked to the selected state. See State Hierarchy for more details. ​

State Properties

States contain many properties we can edit. By selecting a state and opening the Properties Tab we can access them.


The name of the state. It will appear in the Lesson Tab under the state and in the state list on the player UI. When the presenter is switching states in the played lesson the name will be very useful to differentiate between the different states.


The state description will show in the state details section of the player. It is useful to add a description for the presenter to reference during the lesson.

List State

List state is checked on by default. Turning this setting off will hide the state from the list of states that appears in the player. The state can still be linked to from other states through an object/hit point interaction. The presenter will not be able to select it through the menu.

State Transition Time

State transition are set in state properties. You will be indicated to enter a number for how long the transition will be delayed between states.


Drag and drop an audio file from the Assets Tab. This audio will play immediately when this state becomes active and will be stopped if the state is changed before the audio finishes.

Loop Audio

This setting, when checked on, will loop the state audio. Once the full length of the audio file has played through, it will start from the beginning again.

Camera Position

Shows position the camera will be forced to when changing to that state, only in single player.

Camera Rotation

Shows rotation the camera will be forced to when changing to that state, only in single player. ​

Expand Root

The expand root determines what object will be expanded when the state is switched to expand mode. Drag and drop a model part from the Scene Hierarchy to set the expand root.

Free Play Root:

The freeplay root determines what object will be expanded when expand mode is chosen in the player, during the lesson. Drag and drop a model part from the Scene Hierarchy to set the freeplay root.

Ambient Light

Ambient is a general light with no direction. It controls the brightness of the scene. The default value is 0.5 and turning it up will make the objects in the scene appear brighter. However both Ambient and Scene lights don't have effect on scenes that have lighting baked in.

Scene Light

Scene light has a direction and gives depth. It controls the brightness of the scene. The default value is 0.5 and turning it up will make the objects in the scene appear brighter. However both Scene and Ambient lights don't have effect on scenes that have lighting baked in.

Label Text Color

The default color for that state alone.

Label Background Color

The default color for that state alone.

Label Line Color

The default color for that state alone.

Effect Color

Effect color is not global and it effects only what is selected.

VR Teleport:

The VR teleport spots are used as an alternative method for switching between states while playing the lesson in VR. Turn this option on by checking this setting. When the presenter is teleporting, the teleport spots for all states will appear at once, so make sure you do not overlap them.

VR Look Direction Override

This VR look direction will cause the observer in VR to view in a certain direction after VR teleport is initiated. Once initiated the user is in the specified state viewing in a certain direction of lesson creator's choosing.

VR Position/Rotation:

Once VR Teleport is checked on. You can then place the spot by using the transform and rotation gizmos in the Viewport or manually through the position and rotation properties.

VR Color

Sets the color of the VR teleport spot.

Next: State Hierarchy