Suite Change Log
Version 2.1.14
Xplorer Creator
- Undo/redo functionality improvement when switching modes and changing parent state
- Fix for applying images to objects
- Added loading screen text to localization file
- Animation fix in Expand/Free mode
- Fix for skybox changing when adding a model
- Fix for Hide UI option hiding all but annotation and hit points in screenshot
Xplorer Player
- Fix for local projects disappearing after going back online
- Fix for joining the lesson on incompatible device in Multiplayer
- Improved load time for switching states with large assets
- Fix for avatar scaling
- Fix for grab tool opening the mode detail UI
- Fixed infinite processing when viewing server project details
Version 2.1.13
MT Dashboard
- Added documentation sidebar menu
- Added email filter management page
- Updated user profile edit UI
- Updated Workcard sidebar menu icon and name to Tech Companion
- Updated Training sidebar menu icon and name to Xplorer
- Added preview link page and modals
Xplorer Creator
- Disabled quit when saving the lesson
- Fixed naming of inherited states
- Added email filter management page
Xplorer Player
- Trimmed whitespaces from server url input field
MT Dashboard
- Ability to assign server wide user permissions
- Ability to manage licenses server wide
- Ability to monitor publishes server wide
- Ability to monitor multiplayer rooms server wide
- Ability to monitor error reports server wide
- Improvements to the task workcard selector
Xplorer Creator
- Ability to customize which parts of the player UI are visible to the user per lesson
- Fix for lock camera setting in play preview
- Minor UI and bug fixes
- Fix for AR root orientation
Xplorer Player
- Optimized lesson syncing
- Update to sync lesson dialog messaging
- Visibility of player UI can now be customized per lesson and role
MT Dashboard
- Ability to share projects with users from the training dashboard
- Projects are now sorted and filterable by workspace
- Ability to add groups to workspaces
- Ability to batch add users to workspaces via CSV file
- Ability to delete training session reports
- Ability to reorder workcards within a task
- Ability to view Xapi statement details from training session activity log
- General UI improvements and bug fixes
Xplorer Creator
- Replace custom file browsers with native windows file browser for asset importing
- Ability to set multiple AR roots
- Additional Xapi verbs added (Replaced, Removed, Installed)
- Ability to exit to menu via on-click action
- Fixed issue with label targets reappearing after being cleared from a child state
Xplorer Player
- Update to 'change server page' to allow custom server settings and network connectivity feedback
- General and multiplayer settings separated from the centre menu bar
- Fixed for custom organization URLs reverting to
- Fixed for voice chat crashing multiplayer sessions on iOS
- New warning dialog when trying to connect to an out of date server
Admin Site
- Addition of the Training dashboard for monitoring training projects and sessions
- Ability to create monitored training sessions
- Ability to export training session reports as PDF
- Ability to view server projects
- All display onclick actions have been combined into a single Display info action. Display info can now support both text and images together
- Collateral Menu Items are now depreciated. Any lessons utilizing this feature will need to convert their collaterals to display info on-click actions
- Custom xapi statement dropdowns are now searchable
- Implemented new Hitpoint setting "Scale with camera distance" so they can keep their size a different zoom levels
- Inspect on-click actions have been depreciated
- Fix for models not updating in creator after being overwritten by a new file
- Fix for state list not auto scrolling when you get to the bottom or top of list
- Fix for blank localization table cells not falling back to default language values
- Fix for hitpoints without on-clicks still displaying a hover effect
- Fix for the quest 3 model lighting not matching the PC version
- Fix for quest VR controllers looking offset to observers in multiplayer
- Fix for VR on-click label showing up when it is not set
- Accepting workspace invite will now clear the notification
- Fix for clear all notification not clearing all notifications
- Parent states are now displayed as subscripts on each child state
- Hitpoints now sorted in alphabetical order in Scene Hierarchy
- Ability to hide/show hitpoints on VR/AR platforms only
- Child states are now added directly below their parent in the state list when first created
- Quest 3 Standalone controller support added
- Fix for VR input not always triggering hitpoint interactions
- Fix for play preview first person camera freeze if the navigation area is not set correctly
- Fix for localization upload causing hitpoint text to be overridden by inherited states
- Fix for first person camera colliding with invisible objects in play preview
- Fix for clearing custom loading screen hint text
- Fix for light probes disappearing after lesson reload
- Fix for UI showing wrong animation root active when swapping states
Portal Admin
- Publishes are run for all compatible platforms together instead of individually
- Displays common languages and platform information on publish dashboard
- Minor UI and bug fixes
Xplorer Creator
- Ability to create lessons in multiple languages
- Ability to setup basic xapi statements
- States can now inherit properties from other states
- Added New first person camera with ability to define navigation area
- Fixed issue where user was unable to clear custom loading screen
- Performance improvements
Xplorer Player
- Ability to view the same lesson content in different languages if supported in the lesson
- Ability to set preferred language setting
- Ability to resume an interrupted download from partially downloaded state
- Improved error handling on weak network connections during downloading process
- Fixed error when launching multiplayer lessons within nested folders
- Added detailed speed and progress information on project downloads
Admin site:
- Ability to view the publish dashboard for your projects
- Ability to update workcard data files
- Ability to batch add workcards and Xplorer lessons to tasks
- Ability to Export Task reports as PDF
- Tech companion tasks are now organized under job packs
- Sub-workcards are now automatically added to a task
- Analytics Dashboard for Task completion
Xplorer Player
- Simplified frontend for webgl shared links
- Added new fixed camera mode to restrict users from moving freely around the scene
- Removed hover effect from objects with no actions when using interact tool
- Removed green selection highlight when using tools
- Reduced sensitivity of AR Scaling
- Fix for TC Data projects showing in downloadable Xplorer project list
- Only show the next, previous and current VR Teleport Points when teleporting in VR
Xplorer Creator
- Improvements to FBX importer
- Publish Settings added to creator
- Ability to hide the player UI during a lesson
- Improvements to copy and pasting property category contents
- Updated default hitpoint style
- Ability to customize Xplorer player loading screen
- Exposed global position and rotation values in object properties
- Added Force teleport option to all VR Teleport Points
- Added ability to turn off camera transitions per state
- Ability to setup force VR teleport on state change
- Improved touch input on anchor dialogs
- Improved UI jutter when moving head
- Improved UI jitter when moving around anchored model
- fix for screenshot tool always including the UI
- Error handling for microphone disconnection during use
- UI and minor bug fixes
Admin Site:
- Display start and expiry dates for shared links in UTC and Local time
- Updated date format to ISO standard
- Fix for product type thumbnails not saving
- Ability to generate and download Tech Companion reports from tasks
- Fix for webgl shared links referencing lesson within a subfolder
- Fix for video loop function still looping when disabled
- Fix inspect without physics interaction not snapping to correct location after AR Scaling
- Fix for label target lines not scaling correctly in AR
- Minor improvements and bug fixes
Xplorer Creator
- Object recognition - place a model in AR by recognizing a scanned object
- Basic gizmos - user friendly 2D gizmos in addition to the existing 3D "Advanced" gizmos
- Video, image, and audio editing - ability to modify length, volume, height and width properties within creator
- multi-model loading - the ability to load multiple models in a single lesson
- multi-animation support - the ability to import mutliple animation files
Xplorer Player
- Hololens 2.0 - ability to play xplorer lessons on hololens 2.0 devices
- Standalone Quest support - ability to play xplorer lessons on standalone quest devices
- QR Code Scanner for shared links - ability to scan qr codes within the player to launch anonymous lesson links
- Far reach laser and laser tool dynamically extended - laser tool is now dynamic instead of fixed length
- laser pointer notification - users are notified when someone uses the laser pointer tool
- email notifications for multiplayer rooms - users now recieve an email when invited to mulitplayer rooms
- Performance updates - Overall load time and processing improvements for navigation and interactions
- Automatic vr detection preference setting - Steam vr will no longer open by default to detect vr this can be changed in settings
- VR Controller shortcuts for swapping states and tools - VR player now uses both left and right controllers with new shortcuts for swapping states and tools
- Observers screenshot tool - observers now have access to the screenshot tool in multiplayer
- UI and branding updates
- Performance updates - load and process projects faster
- Status log - new console log in footer of the app for viewing status logs
- Detailed commit history - commits can be expanded for more information about which files have been modified in the commit
- Ability to view past commits - view or play past commits to verify the lesson state before reverting
- Project out of date notification - notified when entering a project whether its out of date or not to avoid conflicts
- Ability to filter projects by workspace - added a workspace search bar to filter projects by
- Modest Tree Suite installer - products are installed and updated all together to avoid version mismatch.
- UI and branding updates
Xplorer Creator
- Update gizmos functionality for better usability
- Update to free mode positional, pan, and rotational gizmos
- Updated Color Pickers to a more user friendly version
- Added Support to publish to WSA
- Added Support to publish to WebGL
- Added Model Setting UI for WSA and WebGL
- Fixed icon resolution issues
- Physics objects snap back to positions set in Creator
- Grab tool returns objects back to positions set in Creator instead of original
- When returning to play preview the mode is now respected
- When duplicating states they now appear below the original
- Fixed handling of unlisted states when they are the first state
- Fixed issue where Scene Lights and Ambient Lights were the same
- Fixed copy/paste issues with the properties tab
- Fixed visibility shortcut for hit points
- Fix Resizing Tab issue based on resolution
Xplorer Player
- Anonymous shared link access for single player and multiplayer
- Ability to join Xplorer with offline licenses
- 3D drawing feature to mobile and PC
- New Drawing tool to provide high level of precision
- Improved Lesson Filtering for platform specific lessons
- New Intensity slider for glow tool
- New Opacity slider for X-ray tool
- New Color picker in player tools to replace Static Colors
- Fixed Users now only see local projects they have permission to
- Memory Improvements for Android Devices
- Improved Lessons and projects Filters from download list
- Screenshot feature moved to the tools menu
- State description added as a separate menu item "State Details"
- State video, images, info renamed to "Collaterals"
- Fixed bug with AR camera acting as cursor during AR mode
- Improved loading time between scene loads to decrease lesson load time when switching lessons
- General Memory and performance improvements
- Added additional handling for missing assets
- Made it so the room host can't be kicked
- Fixed animation actions on hit points not triggering correctly
- Removed unlisted states from Autoplay
- Fixed AR camera acting as hover cursor
- Changed when the state would apply when using CameraFirst transition
- Fixed AR camera running at start of mobile lesson
- Added Beta version of single player webgl
Portal Desktop
- Added ability to filter projects by workspace
- Added compatible platform filtering options to shared links and projects
- Auto-populate compatible platform list from pipeline
- Bulk invite users to workspace through CSV upload
- Asset pipeline task cancellation
- Pipeline logger modal improvements
- Adding WSA and WebGL to the list of publish platforms
- Ability to tag a published commit
- Asset multi select and delete
- Assets list refresh improvements
- Redesigned Changes tab for more detailed commit information
- Added ability to revert a project state to a previous history commit
- Added more logs and improved existing ones for the start up process
- Dashboard recent projects visual fixes
- Extend login session to prevent users from being logged out when running for long periods
- Products in sidebar can now run directly even if Asset Pipeline is not installed
- Better publish error handling
- Updated scan for products installed outside Portal
- Added better organization URL validation
- Added ability to search recent projects
- Complete overhaul of the recent lessons section
- Added Share and Manage Sharing project tabs
- Shared links forms generate a QR code
- Added additional warning when deleting a user would delete existing projects
- Various UI improvements and bug fixes
Portal Server Admin Site
- Offline and online license default expiry times configurable on the server
- Only publish lessons that are compatible with the selected platform
- Added Launch WebGL button to the dashboard
- Ability to create project shared links for anonymous multiplayer and singleplayer access
- Added Compatible platform flags to shared links
- Improved pagination in admin areas
- Admin ability to clear stale caches to save disk space
- Added WSA and WebGL to publish platform options
- New 404 and general error page designs
- Added Shared Links and related management pages
- Licenses now expire at the end of specified day rather than 00:00 UTC
- Made purchase history a clickable modal
- Improved validation, various UI improvements and bug fixes
- Major performance update for creator and player*
- Added “Go To Camera” and “Auto Set Camera” toggles in General settings
- Added Camera Transition time - controls how long it takes for the camera to animate between states
- Added Camera Transistion type - animation methods when moving the player camera
- Added animation speed and type to animation actions on Hit Point and Scene Objects.
- Autoplay mode to automatically switch between states
- Realtime scene lights can be enabled and disabled.
- Animation scrubber previews in editor
- Changed X-Ray default opacity to 0.3
- Added play/pause button functionality to the expanded animation panel.
- State details visiblity toggle is global for all image, video, info menu items.
- Added Glow intensity to objects with Glow under objects properties
- Added ability to reset master state using the lesson context menu
- Added back full action wheel for vr controllers with both thumb sticks and touch pads.
- New state popup can be confirmed with enter key.
- Viewport dropdown/button sizes are more consistent.
- Fixed issue where you could switch states with arrows while moving the camera.
- Added Height slider to on screen first person camera
- Objects will ease back to original position when moved
- Fixed issue where you could not teleport through invisible objects
- Error handling for inputing proxy domain as https instead of http
- Fix for hitpoint flicker when using custom background
- VR teleport point now sets VR default start location even when turned off.
*Specfic player performance updates:
- Added new quality setting for iOS and Android only
- Removed some old graphics APIs.
- Set up quality levels for highlighting in xplorer.
- Fixed a few per frame issues.
- Reduced memory usage with model assets.
*Specific Creator Performance Updates:
- Optimized highlight shader.
- Player preview now uses the same assets to reduce load times.
- Changed how states are applied to a scene.
- Reduced the amount of active objects to reduce load times and memory overhead.
- Reduced memory usage with model assets.
- License Mangement interface improvements
- Licensing performance improvements and various bug fixes
- Improved experience for running an offline server
- Added unstable publish status so individual asset failures won't prevent playing a lesson
- Make proxy password a hidden field and store encrypted
- Added publishing options to linked local projects
- Added actions tab to server projects
- Project tile UI enhancements
- Fixed editing of project thumbnails
- Disabling sync button when a sync is already in progress
- Fixed issue when deleteing users
Modest Tree Suite
- New Licensing Dashboard for assigning and transfering licenses
- New pop ups for filtered asset selection in properties tab
- Disconnected state camera position from viewport camera and undo system
- New buttons for viewing and setting state camera
- Added new start and end line width properties
- Ability to add description while creating a new state
- Added mute and loop options to all video actions
- Update to player lobby menu mute/silence options
- Performance improvements for hierarchy selection and play preview loading
- New license validation for player
- Added Portal and Leaf to product sidebar
- Added new dasboard product sliders
- Support for Proxy Settings
- minor UI and bug fixes
NOTE: Lessons created in builds Moringa 1.0.13 or earlier will not be supported by Wisteria.2.0.0 and later
Modest Tree Suite
- Major Framework Revitalization
- Master State
- Improved User Experience
- LOD Support
- Avatar Customization
- Asset Pipeline Update
- New Effects Button
- Various Bug Fixes
- New Media Tools
- New Front-End User Flow
- Updated branding and theme
- Added more details to the project panels and history tab
- Fixed various bugs around project syncing and progress feedback
- Added a show password button to Portal login page
- Ability to pre publish a server project for better Xplorer Player download experience
- Changes made to projects outside of Portal now auto refresh when switching back
Modest Tree Suite
- Camera settings saved when swtiching between lessons
- Minor UI Updates
Modest Tree Suite
- Ability to change the color of multiplayer avatars
- Users will now be notified in-app when updates are available for Xplorer Player
- Scene hierarchy icons will affect all selected objects
- Voice Settings will now be saved between lessons
- Added download and duplicate dialogs to distinguish between downloading or duplicating linked or separate projects
- New ability to discard local changes made to projects
- Ability to customize username on registration
- Renamed Organizations to Workspaces
Modest Tree Suite
- New voice settings including push to talk and always on
- Added Change Lesson object and hitpoint actions
- Scene Hierarchy effect icons now affect all selected items together
- Updated loading screen with lesson name when loading into and between lessons
- Only objects under the freeplay root or objects with interactions will be selectable in the player
- Fix for on screen first person camera when switching presenters
- Bug fix for audio object actions not toggling off after triggering other audio actions
- Layout changes to share project dialog
Modest Tree Suite
- Bug fix to remember workspace between Xplorer Player sessions
Modest Tree Suite
- Windows Standalone Xplorer Player Installer added to Modest Tree Suite Admin site dashboard
- Split Modest Tree Suite Admin site dashboard into seperate Play and Edit sections
- New in-app registration
- New clear all function for hosted rooms and invites
- Hosted rooms and invites are now sorted by most recently created
- Projects can now be deleted from lesson panel after clicking project
- Single Player lessons can now be updated from lesson panel after clicking project
- Changed nomenclature for server api's to workspaces
- Fix for focus issue on observer Xplorer player cameras
- Updated default skybox
- Fixes to Shared With Me project editing dialog
- Fixes to adding and removing assets in Shared With Me projects
- Fix for uploading issue associated with email log in
- Added checks for necessary Asset Pipeline installation before using Xplorer
- Share dialog UI fixes for dark theme
Modest Tree Suite
- VR teleport shift fixed
- VR hitspot style and consistency updates
- Minor bug fixes
- Fix for uploading issues
- New training dashboard
- Updates to registration page
Modest Tree Suite
- Security Enhancements
- VR highlight shader improvements, highlight now has overlay
- Minor Bug Fixes
Modest Tree Suite
- Introduced ability to take screenshots in Xplorer Player
- Implemented settings for basic and advanced Xplorer Editor camera
- Added Esc key as a shortcut for deselecting objects
- Advanced Editor camera can now be moved with 'wasd' keys without holding right-click
- Updated AR user interface
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements
Modest Tree Suite
- Copy and paste hitpoints across states
- Added ability to change effects and visibility from the Scene Hierarchy
- Can expand/collapse the effect buttons in the Scene Hierarchy
- Clicking on objects in viewport no longer focuses on or expands objects in Scene Hierarchy
- Target button added to focus on selected object in Scene Hierarchy
- Holding the Alt key when expanding/collapsing a row in Scene Hierarchy will also expand/collapse it's children
- Added larger close icon to player content windows
- Minor bug fixes
- Shorter email confirmation code
- Add company name to registration field
- Project refresh improvements
Modest Tree Suite
- Change state mode transition times
- Abscene model support
- Bug fix for hidden object colliders appearing after exiting play preview
- Bug fix for pc camera transitions
- Minor bug fixes
- Interface redesign
- Share projects with individual users within your organization
- Upload multi-file shared assets
- Create a Group of users for batch sharing
- Add Project thumbnails
- View running processes in the Current Task Panel
Modest Tree Suite
- Support for mobile android and iOS devices
- Cross-platform Multiplayer capabilites
- Augmented Reality support for android and iOS devices
- New Xplorer Player UI for VR and PC
- Xplorer Player tools for drawing, grabbing, changing effects and modes
- Beacon and group teleport tool for controlling student positions within lessons
- Add videos and images to object meshes
- Pass presentership permissions to other users
- Voice chat and mute options within multiplayer rooms
- Interface redesign
- Share projects with individual users within your organization
- Upload multi-file shared assets
- Create a Group of users for batch sharing
- Add Project thumbnails
- View running processes in the Current Task Panel
Modest Tree Suite
- Added Screenshot Creator when dragging scenemodels into Inventory Tab
- Changed Animate node to apply te delta position relative to the starting rotation of the object by default
- Added ability to ungraph else parameter on branch node
- Fixed to automatically re-populate properties when overload changes
- Fixed to auto compile after extracting template in some cases
- Fixed bugs related to 2D gizmos
Modest Tree Suite
- Bug fixes to model effects
- Changed to output compile errors for invalid asset references
- Added CurrentMouseDownObject node to detect if UI Buttons are being held down by user
- Fixed bug to allow clicking highlighted group objects through child object
- Fixed how highlight looks on invisible objects
- Added option to turn organization project filter off
- Minor bugfixes
- Added an Export feature that bundles a lesson and all of it's assets along with a copy of the player
- Gizmo improvements and fixes
- Updated UI and tool-tips
- Updated properties to be more organized and user friendly
- When switching from Expand Mode to Free Mode, the model remains in the expanded positions
- When switching form Expand or Free Mode to Animation mode, everything outside of the animation root will remain in their set positions
- Fixed CSV parsing for Questions and Answers
- Fixed UI not always correctly representing the the state of the slide correctly
- Fixed Screenshots not being correct
- Fixed some context menus not working correctly
- Effects cleaned up and simplified
- Added import option for 360 video Skyboxes
- Added save check before closing Xplorer
- Multi-select editing fixed
- Added group selection to Scene Hierarchy
Modest Tree Suite
- Added ability to dereference Setup node underneath any object value. This can be used to easily change a bunch of properties on a given object all at once. It also provides real time feedback unlike when using a ChangeTo node.
- Changed the way effects work for models. Instead of having specific properties such as 'Is Xray', 'Is Opacity', etc. there is now just one property called 'Effect Type' which controls which effect is currently enabled, or set to 'Default'/'None' if no effect is desired. And similarly for 'Xray Color' (there is now a generic 'Effect Color' property on models that is used for all effects)
- Added a new effect type called 'Glow' that can be used to simulate very bright light sources. After setting a model to have Glow as its Effect Type, you can change 'Effect Color' to control the brightness for the effect
- Added ability to directly open lessons in windows explorer instead of needing to always go through the portal
Modest Tree Suite
- Fixed multi select drag in assets tab
- Changed to automatically scroll the storyboarder camera when dragging links off screen
- Added Index node to storyboarder to get a specific element from a collection
- Fixed position/rotation gizmos for Drag On Axis node
- Added field for node descriptions in properties tab
- Added a Compiling overlay to indicate when compilation is occurring
- Moved IsVisible to basic mode
- Added tooltip for constant nodes to see full value
- New project file format allows opening a project from windows file explorer
- Dashboard restructured to be one page for easier navigation
- Portal tutorial videos available on the dashboard
- Increased maximum large file upload size
- Improved handling of large files when uploading local projects
Modest Tree Suite
- Added ability to double click on empty parameters slots to automatically insert default value
- Added search filter textbox to assets tab, scene tab, and namespace tab
- Added support for adding comments, to document how storyboarder templates work. This allows multi-line text to be anchored above nodes
- Added overlay to indicate when the lesson is being simulated
- Various serialization improvements and bug fixes
- Portal now has auto update functionality. Users will be prompted when the portal starts up
- Improved product download speeds
- Organization invites now clear properly when uninviting a user
- Better handling of long commit messages
- Faster more reliable sync status checks for online projects
- Ability to close Portal by double clicking on the upper left title bar icon
Modest Tree Suite
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixes to extract template popup
- Fixes to skybox properties
- Fixes to the popup that appears when closing the application
- Fixes to x-ray effect
- Improved the unity export plugin to prompt the user for a save location
- Deprecated support for webplayer. The option to export as webplayer has been removed
- Projects are now sorted alphabetically in the launch panel of a project
- Added more robust merge conflict menu, allowing group resolution of conflicts
- Added ability to delete projects using the delete key
- Major project saving improvements, eliminating disappearing project issues
- Improved Organization Dropdown
- Added Search
- Added default organization. Default organization is opened by default regardless of what organization was previously opened
- Improvements to sync notification
- Changed sync flow to require users add a message to their commit, so collaborators understand what change was made
Modest Tree Suite
- Many performance improvements
- Changed to use implicit scopes as indicated by begin nodes
- Added LoopEach node to make iterating over lists easier
- Optimizations to webgl player export
- Added tooltips for all properties
- Changed to automatically reconnect links when deleting nodes
- Renamed Templates tab to Namespaces
- Changed to use the bottom connector instead of the right connector for passing data to parameters
- Added ability to drag variables from namespace tab
- Added new default player UI
- Added a button to manually trigger compile for cases where Auto Compile is turned off in settings popup
- Changed fork node to just have one output connector that is connected to many links
- Changed to automatically abort child threads when aborting a thread
- Added support for multiselect to allow changing many values at once
- Added new windowing system involving Pins, Docks, and Splits
- Added new 3D gizmos
- Added multi-line property editor for text data
- Changed Console tab to reveal more useful debugging information including the stack trace
- Added link animation for the links that are traversed during execution
- Added ability to make tabs full screen by hitting SHIFT+SPACE or double clicking the tab button
- Added generic method to copy and paste property data through a context menu. Also added ability to copy entire property categories
- Added concept of 'Recursive' check box to model properties in setup node such as Is Highlighted / Highlight Color, Is Xray / Xray Color, etc.
- Added support for 3D sound
- Changed binary operator node to not use dereference and instead just have multiple parameters
- Added button to jump to the currently executing node
- Changed images to just render a color when there is no asset attached
- Added new shortcut to dereference a node by right clicking directly on the node while holding control
- Added ability to move collections of nodes off of the control flow links by holding control and shift and then moving them. Also added the reverse operation by dragging nodes and dropping them on top of links
- Renamed AllAtOnce to Fork Each
- Added LoopOverRange node to allow looping X number of times
- Made the simulate warning at the top of properties clickable
- Re-ordered all properties to be more intuitive
- Added ability to multiselect any number of objects in the scene either through Editor tab or through Scene tab and then drag and drop into the storyboarder to construct a list
- Changed webgl and webplayer exports to use .bin for all files to avoid MIME type issues
- Added ability to fully customize the player UI by using adobe illustrator plugin
- Added ability to right click directly on links to add nodes
- Fixed skybox import button
- Fixed an unnecessary error popup in project selector
- Fixed bug that caused the title and description to not update when using arrow keys to change states
- Drag and drop to add files to project assets tab
- Licensing system changed to allow temporary offline usage
- Basic popup for networks behind ZScaler
- Improved product download speeds and added download speed indicator
- Added thumbnails for filetypes to the project assets tab
- New compact list view for Project Asset tab
- Settings visual change and out of date indicator
- Added real time notification system for message center
- Visual improvements to the message list
- Ability to download multiple projects simultaneously
- Merge conflicts can now be resolved in bulk
- Project detail pane can be resized
- Simplified product installation and update interface
- Ability to launch Xplorer lessons in VR or desktop
- Dashboard tutorial search and visual improvements
- Upgraded installer and added code signing to enhance security
- Moved eula into the installer
- Prevention of adding projects inside projects
- Improved loading and error messages
- Server performance improvements for syncing projects
- Shared Asset upload and management now works as intended
- Several server administrative improvements
- Visual improvements to the dashboard
- Fixed some server issues around project syncing and storage
- Various other bugfixes and performance improvements
Modest Tree Suite
- Minor bug fixes
- Added support for adding lightmap data to exported abmodel, more detail here
Modest Tree Suite
- Minor bug fixes
Modest Tree Suite
- Many fixes to the model importer
- Updated logos on all products
- Added support for 'offline sync'. This allows users to store online projects locally on their hard drive while they work on it, then load back to the site at their discretion. This works by having built-in git integration,
- Added support for exporting projects to WebGl in addition to just SCORM
- Changed zoom within the storyboarder to be based on mouse position
- Added support for 3D labels
- Added support for shared templates. This allows you to write a template once and use it across multiple lessons in your project,
- Added better support for loading unity 5 asset bundles (in particular, loading entire scenes,
- Fixed to not require a standalone license when running the editor via
- Added downloadable custom unity plugin to export asset bundles and automatically adding the correct extensions,
- Changed to avoid showing gizmos for UI unless inside setup node
- Fixed support for displaying MP4 videos
- Added support for using a preset list of skyboxes
- Added 'Designer', a new product that allows editing properties of models before use in the Editor.
Modest Tree Suite
- Added ability to export lessons to WebGl
- Fixed issue where calling scopes within a loop would fail
- Added 'Smart Zoom' inside the storyboarder to always zoom in/out based on mouse position
- Added 'Sync' button to allow working fully offline and then manually syncing with an online project. This avoids the need to constantly upload/download assets during development
Modest Tree Suite
- Multiple bug fixes to the model importer
- Added a warning popup in the editor when using a version that is out of date
- Added a desktop app that can be used as a frontend as an alternative to the web site
Modest Tree Suite
- Added Unparent node
- Added popup when leaving the standalone editor application to allow the user to save
- Fixed offline standalone version to automatically upgrade old file formats such as mtmodel
Modest Tree Suite
- Updated Modest Tree Suite client to Unity 5.x. Note: This invalidates usage of Unity 4.x asset bundles. To use abmodel, you must export using Unity 5 or greater
- Added support for external textures when importing FBX files
- Improved loading times on web site
- A number of bug fixes to asset importing of FBX / DAE / OBJ files
Modest Tree Suite
- Significant changes to the web site, including a new Assets section, built-in tutorials, bulk-actions, and much more
- Minor fixes to the model importer to handle relative paths better
- Changed to have one version of the Modest Tree Suite editor instead of having one for cloud and one for standalone
- Added ability to directly open the desktop Modest Tree Suite editor/player from the website
Modest Tree Suite
- Significant changes to the web site, including a new Assets section, built-in tutorials, bulk-actions, and much more
- Minor fixes to the model importer to handle relative paths better
- Added Execution => Exit node
- JavaScript API: Can now both send and receive between JavaScript and the Storyboarder
- Added new button to extract template popup to control whether each parameter should be graphed or ungraphed
- Fixed error that was occurring in some rare cases with Inventory Grid's
Fixed error that was occurring when hitting backspace and backslash at the same time when
inside the storyboarder right-click menu (aka Big Thumb Bug)
- Fixed error that was occurring when multiple people were editing the same project at the same time
Modest Tree Suite
- Added new export option for xAPI / TinCan packages
Changed camera controls to be more intuitive. Note that previous camera controls can still be enabled in the options menu
- Added ability to drop models directly on to setup node
- Added ability to drop models directly on to editor tab when inside a setup node or when simulated to one
- Added debugging support with Visual Studio / MonoDevelop when using external DLLs.
Modest Tree Suite
- Added downloads for Modest Tree Suite Cloud Editor and Modest Tree Suite Cloud Player. These windows desktop applications function very similar to the in-browser editor/player as accessed through the web site, but also offer some speed and memory advantages as a native windows application.
- Added ability to customize the camera skybox in setup node. This includes the ability to customize top and bottom colors and also choose from different types of skybox generation methods.